Sunday, August 24, 2014

Bad boy Sebastian

Weekend Writing Warriors is a great way to find new authors, get snippets of your favorite authors' works, and get sneak peaks of upcoming books. Visit the link, and thanks for your support. 

Last week I gave readers a glimpse of Peyton's personality. This week I'm adding her thoughts upon seeing Sebastian for the first time. Diamonds Aren't Forever 

Sated, pleasantly tipsy, the party winding down, she got into the back of the limo, her cream silk pants whispered over soft leather where she came face to face with tall, dark, and brooding.
At first she thought it was a trick of the light. But no, even then she intuitively knew his scowl was a normal part of his demeanor. 

It wasn’t that he wasn’t handsome. In fact, quite the opposite if one liked dark, moody men. And who would’ve thought she did. Her body shivered deliciously as his denim blue eyes roamed leisurely over her. 

‘Diamonds Aren’t Forever’ replaces the clichéd’ and archetypal erotic romance heroine with a strong-willed former criminal who is more than capable of running life’s show. However, her power and tenacity is quickly over-ruled when brothers show up at her door to once again make her pay for the past.

While nobody can deny erotic fiction’s recent boom in popularity, critics and readers alike find themselves crying out for new narratives that don’t succumb to recycling the ‘same old’ concepts. 

JL on BooksgoSocial

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